She told me many other incredible things. She asked me what my connection was with angels. Then she said the light behind me looked like wings. The next day was the third anniversary since my Mom passed away. I asked the psychic about her. I said, “In the beginning, there were several signs from my Mom. As time went on, the signs diminished. “
The following day, I read the memorial I wrote for my Mom, lit candles, and bought sunflowers – her favorite. I found a ladybug on my curtain in the bedroom. It is a sign of luck and love. The sunset that evening was extraordinary – it had wings behind it!
Later that week, Peaches and I were out front. I stepped onto the little dirt road and said, “Animals – Come out, come out, where ever you are.” The next morning, deer were feeding in our backyard. We hadn’t seen them there in almost 4 years!Verbalize your wishes and dreams, then believe … they really do come true!