Friday, May 7, 2010

Clear Vision

As I drove on the freeway yesterday, the sky was hazy and gray asphalt muted my vision. In a flash, color popped the scene alive. Red tile roofs, yellow ragweed, orange poppies, and purple ice plants emerged against the blue and white wispy sky. The view quickly changed from a blur to a vibrant image.   

It is similar to sitting in the Optometrist’s office with your face pressed against the cold lens finder. Your vision is fuzzy as you hear “click, click,” from the dials searching for the right adjustment. The “click” stops. The chart is now bright, sharp, and in focus.

This transformation also occurs with our thought and decision process. We are clouded in confusion, blinded by the haze.  We can be consumed with searching for answers..

When we relax and release, trusting the power within, our mind is illuminated with clarity.

The Power of Awareness

A friend once told me it was the “season” for falling stars. She had seen several in the recent nights. I rarely see them. A couple days after our conversation, I looked up at the stars hoping to see one. And then ... it flashed across the dark sky!

Another time, a friend told me she saw a Heron which Native Americans believe is a sign of God. A few days later, I had been working on an inspirational piece about mystical experiences in New Mexico. On my way to Writing class that night, I saw something on the side of the road. It was about 3 feet high. I wondered what it could be. It was a heron!

Keep your mind open and be present. Many gifts are within our vision and reach. Awareness allows us to experience them.