Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Ask and Believe

I wanted to find a gift to protect someone while traveling to Pakistan. I knew the Chakra Shack would be the perfect place to find it. I was right. What I didn’t expect was to have a reading. The first thing the psychic said was, “I see a lot of books. Are you writing?” She drew the top card from the Tarot deck. “It’s the World card. You have something that people around the world can benefit from. Through creative writing, you can inspire people.”

She told me many other incredible things. She asked me what my connection was with angels. Then she said the light behind me looked like wings. The next day was the third anniversary since my Mom passed away. I asked the psychic about her. I said, “In the beginning, there were several signs from my Mom. As time went on, the signs diminished. “

The following day, I read the memorial I wrote for my Mom, lit candles, and bought sunflowers – her favorite. I found a ladybug on my curtain in the bedroom. It is a sign of luck and love. The sunset that evening was extraordinary – it had wings behind it!

Later that week, Peaches and I were out front. I stepped onto the little dirt road and said, “Animals – Come out, come out, where ever you are.” The next morning, deer were feeding in our backyard. We hadn’t seen them there in almost 4 years!

Verbalize your wishes and dreams, then believe … they really do come true!


Wednesday, September 1, 2010


I love the synchronicity and mysticism of spa experiences.  In New Mexico, I picked the Miracle stone from a basket of stones inscribed with messages.  It popped off my heart chakra after a hot stone massage.  

Recently, at a spa in Colorado, I was given another stone.  It is an affirmation that I am on the right path. 


The Hills are Alive

We drove 3 ½ hours from Denver to Snowmass Village admiring expansive hills and pine covered mountains. In Glenwood Springs, Mount Sopras’ grey peak emerged from red rocks and green vegetation.

Friday we climbed a winding trail for almost an hour. Most of the flowers had passed preparing for the early fall. But the hills were alive with scents, sounds, and sights.
At the top, our reward was a 360 view of Snowmass Village and striped Mount Daly, while standing on a stone labyrinth with yin and yang in the middle. The breath taking scenery in the sacred spot was relaxing, and at the same time energizing.
We’re alive – love life!  

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Reassurance in a Complex World

I’m back! Yesterday - I finally jump-started my writing again. It had been so long. My thoughts were the usual: What do I write? Then I just sat down and wrote.

Life happens … Things get in the way and distract us. Determination means not giving up - no matter what. On June 28th, my niece called to tell me my brother had fallen from a two-story roof while working. In less than four hours, I boarded a plane for the east coast. It was a grueling 11-hour flight with two stops on a one-way ticket.

My world was out of sync. I left a comfortable, peaceful life and stepped into 10 days of anxiety and distress. A strong belief system got me through the tough time. Faith – knowing my brother would be alright. Reassurance – knowing I would be back in my comfort zone again.

The rhythm of writing was interrupted. It was hard to find the time to write with so many things to do. Yesterday, I sat down, wrote for hours, and resumed my projects. I smiled as I wrote. You could hear the happiness in my voice.  Today, I sit in the kitchen and write as the sun streams in the window. The ocean is calm and cool blue. Looking for the perfect description of color I found …

Blue Iris - "Combining the stable and calming aspects of blue with the mystical and spiritual qualities of purple.  Blue Iris satisfies the need for reassurance in a complex world, while adding a hint of mystery and excitement."

A perfect description … onto new and exciting things!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


I always find “coincindences” and random events to be just the opposite.  I think the universe puts things in front of us for a reason. Yesterday, I chatted with a friend about a time she was depressed, grieving the loss of her mother. She “happened” to meet a 92 year old Holocaust survivor who needed a ride home. The woman sensed her sadness and told her to call friends for support. She offered money for the ride home. Realizing this woman was an angel, my friend replied, “Oh no, I do not want your money. Please, just pray for me.” The woman told her, “I already have.”

I didn’t know what to write about today, so I looked up Word for the Day. The word did not appeal to me though. I looked at previous words and one reached out to me. I was touched by it.

Mu•li•eb•ri•ty (myo͞oˌlē-ĕbˈrĭ-tē) noun
1. The state of being a woman.
2. Femininity.

She was one of those women who was waiting in —what is the word?—muliebrity; She had courage and initiative and a philosophical way of handling questions, and she could be bored by regular work like a man.  -- H.G. Wells, The New Machiavelli

Muliebrity: Qualities of a Woman by Joni Arredia is a candid account of one woman's journey from her scared, sad childhood to a fulfilling, happy life, and addresses a variety of inner and outer qualities that contribute to the total package that is Woman. The story is positive, energetic and uplifting, packed with easy-to-understand-and-follow ideas.

Many survivors of sexual or physical abuse have had their inner sense of uniqueness, beauty and sexuality deprived by the abuser, and are left feeling diminished and depreciated. This feel-good-about-how-wonderful-it-is-to-be-female book offers new ways for women to use the power that is within them - 'muliebrity' - to both heal and regain control over their lives, allowing them to rejoice in being a woman and realize their potential to be beautiful and happy.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Clear Vision

As I drove on the freeway yesterday, the sky was hazy and gray asphalt muted my vision. In a flash, color popped the scene alive. Red tile roofs, yellow ragweed, orange poppies, and purple ice plants emerged against the blue and white wispy sky. The view quickly changed from a blur to a vibrant image.   

It is similar to sitting in the Optometrist’s office with your face pressed against the cold lens finder. Your vision is fuzzy as you hear “click, click,” from the dials searching for the right adjustment. The “click” stops. The chart is now bright, sharp, and in focus.

This transformation also occurs with our thought and decision process. We are clouded in confusion, blinded by the haze.  We can be consumed with searching for answers..

When we relax and release, trusting the power within, our mind is illuminated with clarity.

The Power of Awareness

A friend once told me it was the “season” for falling stars. She had seen several in the recent nights. I rarely see them. A couple days after our conversation, I looked up at the stars hoping to see one. And then ... it flashed across the dark sky!

Another time, a friend told me she saw a Heron which Native Americans believe is a sign of God. A few days later, I had been working on an inspirational piece about mystical experiences in New Mexico. On my way to Writing class that night, I saw something on the side of the road. It was about 3 feet high. I wondered what it could be. It was a heron!

Keep your mind open and be present. Many gifts are within our vision and reach. Awareness allows us to experience them.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


Simplicity is key to achieving peace in our lives.

Dr. Edward Bach, developer of Bach Flower Remedies said: “Simplicity in any healing system has always been an attraction to me, because everything in nature is simple.”

Take time to walk in the woods, stroll on the beach, or just sit and admire the beauty of nature.  Its serenity is healing and restores peace.

Alignment with the Universe

You know you found your niche when the universe aligns itself with your intentions.   Things miraculously and magically appear on our path.

Take note of signs along the way; they are everywhere.   Life starts humming … Enjoy the journey!

Friday, March 12, 2010

Tapestry of Life

Both of my Mothers were great seamstresses. It is a talent I did not inherit. Instead, I find pleasure in my tapestry of life.

It holds the patches of experience and badges of courage, seamed together by brilliant friends along the way.

When I’m lonely it surrounds me; it warms me when I’m cold.   Most of all, it displays the richness of texture and beauty of my colorful life.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

George Carlin

I always love the timing and connection of things. In an Email from Laguna Beach Books, I read about an event this Saturday. Kelly Carlin, George Carlin's daughter, will be at the book store and read from her father's memoir: "Last Words." The next Email I read was from my cousin. It was a PowerPoint slide with beautiful pictures and the “Philosophy for Old Age” from George Carlin. His quotes are “right on.” If you are interested, I’ll send it to you.

George Carlin has a special place in my heart. My father loved him. We would listen to his tapes and my Dad would laugh deep from his belly like he did when he watched Hogan’s Heroes.

One saying in the slide that particularly struck me was, “The only person who is with us our entire life is ourselves. Be ALIVE while you are alive.”

As a writer, when we fully experience each moment, it helps us capture memories in vivid detail.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

The Power of Being an Olympian

We are amazed by the Olympic Athletes’ grace, strength, and courage. Many have faced and overcome loss, injury, and adversity.

 Their hope and endurance inspire us and demonstrate what is possible when you follow your dreams.

 Believe and you can do it!

Saturday, February 13, 2010


Tomorrow is Valentine’s Day, a Celebration of Love. It is a special holiday because it is filled with so many wonderful things … Love, flowers, chocolate, red hearts, romantic dinners, and beautiful moments.

 Kiss, Embrace, and Tell someone you love them … Happy Valentine’s Day!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

A Favorite of Mine – Success by Ralph Waldo Emerson:

To laugh often and much; to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children;

To earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends;

To appreciate beauty; To find the best in others; To leave the world a bit better,

Whether by a healthy child, a garden patch or, a redeemed social condition;

To have played with enthusiasm and sung with exultation;

To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived;

This is to have succeeded.

What Do You Do?

When people ask this, they generally want to know your occupation. It’s interesting that we are defined by our job. Although years ago surnames came from trades, like: Blacksmith, Carpenter, etc.

Currently, I don’t have a job. Sometimes I wonder, how should I respond? Often, I give a variety of answers. After talking with a friend, I decided a good answer for me is: “I show up with a smile and inspiration.”

Thursday, January 21, 2010

The Soothing Sound of Water

It is early morning and I sit listening to water cascading down from our rooftop, draining from the night’s rainfall. I love the sound of moving water – a fountain, stream, and waterfall all create tranquility for me. This past week-end we escaped to our favorite B&B in Palm Springs. It is a Mediterranean, Bohemian resort where you feel like you have traveled to another country. The comfort comes from its simplicity.

We listened to water gurgling in the fountains and watched rain drops dance on top of the pool. Three small waterfalls splash down a wall of rocks. On Saturday, we hiked Tahquitz Canyon and listened to water swish through the streams. When we reached the top of the trail, we were entertained by the magical sight of waterfalls descending 90 feet down a calcified-white canyon. The reflection of the boulders was captured in the pond below. It truly was a point of reflection.

The calming effect of water is like soaking in a warm bath tub and floating away with the bubbles.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

New Year - New Beginnings

We close out the old year remembering the times that made us happy and the things that made us sad.  All are part of our journey.

We welcome and celebrate the New Year ... a time to renew our dreams and aspirations.  Use this time to reflect on what is important to you.  What makes you happy?  Don't let anyone or anything keep you from being who you are and doing what you want.   In the Chinese culture, this is the Year of the Tiger.    Be like a cat and do what you want!